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   Patches for AdjMmsEng.dll and AdjMmsEng64.dll
  version 13

Multimedia engine version (AdjMmsEng.dll and AdjMmsEng64.dll) (October 12, 2022)

Bugs found inside the mentioned version

  • Version 13,0,0,0

    - For the DJ Studio, The SoundDone event is not generated

    - For the audio recorder and the audio editor, The SoundPlaybackDone event is not generated
  • Version 13,0,0,1

    - For the DJ Studio, The call to the StreamVolumeSlide method is ignored when performed immediately after a call to the PlaySound method

    - For the DJ Studio, The call to the SeekSound method is ignored when performed immediately after a call to the LoadSound method
  • Version 13,0,0,2

    - For the DJ Studio, Playlists loaded with the PLAYLIST_AUTOMATION_MODE attribute may fail to work as expected
  • Version 13,0,0,3

    - For the DJ Studio, When a player is attached to a stream mixer, the GetPlayerStatus method may return SOUND_PLAYING also when the player is in paused status

    - For the DJ Studio, When the GetPlayerStatus is invoked immediately after the LoadSoundFast method, the returned status could be SOUND_NONE instead of SOUND_STOPPED

    - For the audio editor, When the Effects.NormalizationSimpleApply method is applied to a sound range, the final position of the range is ignored
  • Version 13,1,0,0

    - For the audio editor, The Dynamic amplifier effect applied through the Effects.DynamicAmplifierApply method doesn't work correctly.
  • Version 13,1,0,1

    - For the DJ Studio, Volume changes have no effect on the audio stream created by the sound composer object
  • Version 13,1,0,2

    - For the audio editor, The Effects.EqualizerLoad method fails to load equalizer bands previously saved into a file without reporting any error

    - For the Studio, The PlayListAddItem method fails to load an automation item containing XML code when the XML text begins with blank characters

    - Under certain circumstances, when launching the container application a message box reporting "### Internal error, cannot load engine Number x due to error 193" is displayed
  • Versione 13,1,0,4

    - For the DJ Studio, The SoundDone event is not generated
  • Version 13,1,0,5

    - For the audio recorder, No error is given back if the recording from a stream mixer should fail for any reason, for example because the path of the output file doesn't exist.

    - Some WAV file encoded in proprietary formats could not be recognized correctly
  • Version 13,1,0,7

    - For the DJ Studio and the audio editor, The VST.ProgramParamSetValue method (Effects.VstProgramParamSetValue for the editor) has no effect on the user interface of the VST effect.
  • Version 13,1,0,8

    - For the DJ Studio, Detecting the final silence position through the SilenceDetectionOnPlayer and SilenceDetectionOnFile methods may return a wrong value with certain WMA files.
  • Version 13,1,0,9

    - For the DJ Studio, Trigger events are not fired while playing a video clip that doesn't contain an audio stream inside

    - For the DJ Studio, When a player is playing an audio track loaded from a session of the editor or recorder components, an exception may be raised when closing the container application without a previous stop of the playback session.
  • Version 13,1,0,11

    - For the DJ Studio, When a player is attached to a mono stream mixer, loading a stereo file will fail with return code ERR_CANNOT_ADD_PLAYER_TO_MIXER (-122)

    - For the DJ Studio, When the RequestSoundExportToWav is invoked with a specified range of sound to export, the exported WAV file may result larger than the expected one

    - For the audio editor, Management of CART, BEXT and LIST chunks inside very huge WAV files may generate unexpected exceptions
  • Version 13,1,0,12

    - For the DJ Studio, When a volume automation created through a PDJ playlist file is running, the component could fail firing the FadeInCompleted event

    - For the DJ Studio, During a manual fading through the Fader.StartManualFading method, fading events may be raised twice

    - For the DJ Studio, During playback of a video clip having triggers set, when seeking from paused state and then resuming, all the triggers before the current playing position when the pause command is invoked are trigged again

    - For the DJ Studio, When the StreamVolumeSmoothingSet is applied to a player, the FadeInStarted and FadeOutStarted events may be raised twice

    - For the DJ Studio, When the SeekSound method brings the current playback position beyond an existing trigger or cue point, the related event is immediately fired instead of being ignored
  • Version 13,1,0,13

    - For the DJ Studio, Calls to the OSDItemTextAdd, OSDItemTextChange, OSDItemOutlineTextAdd and OSDItemOutlineTextChange methods may generate an exception when the container application is compiled specifically for x64 or for "Any CPU" and run inside a x64 version of Windows.
  • Version 13,1,0,15

    - For the DJ Studio, The StreaMixerCreate function may generate an exception fault when the audio driver of the selected output device is not supported.
  • Version 13,1,0,16

    - For the DJ Studio, When a PDJ file containing the "NormalPlaylist" tag is loaded with attribute PLAYLIST_AUTOMATION_MODE, contained files will be loaded twice.
  • Version 13,1,1,0

    - For the DJ Studio, After the PeakDetectionOnFile method has been invoked on a file returning 1.0 as highest peak, next calls to the method will always return the same value 1.0.
  • Version 13,1,1,1
    - For the DJ Studio, When dealing with playlists loaded with attribute PLAYLIST_FULL_MODE, the control could miss firing the FadeInStarted and FadeOutStarted events
  • Version 13,1,1,3

    - When the audio editor ActiveX control is instanced on a secondary form and that form is closed, other audio controls instanced on the main form may stop working as expected and visual feedbacks may freeze.
  • Version 13,1,1,4

    - For the DJ Studio, the editor and the recorder, When the Effects.CustomDspUseFloatSamples method of the editor or the CustomDSP.UseFloatSamples method of the DJ Studio and recorder components is invoked, the waveform analyzer will display a wrong waveform.
  • Version 13,1,1,5

    - Retrieval of CD cover pictures doesn't work

    - For the audio recorder, When two instances of the component record from the same capture of loopback Wasapi device, when the second intance starts recording the first intance stops recording

    - For the DJ Studio, When disconnecting a WASAPI device from the PC, other installed WASAPI devices could stop playing and a restart of the application would be required to make them able to play again
  • Version 13,1,1,8

    - For the DJ Studio, Playlists containing UTF-8 characters in pathnames and/or "title" fields are not saved correctly
  • Version 13,1,1,9

    - For the audio editor, When the SoundComposer is used on a machine without sound cards installed, the resulting sound composition may contain noise only
  • Version 13,1,1,10

    - For the audio editor, When playback of the loaded sound is paused, an eventual selection on the waveform analyzer cannot be modified through the mouse

    - For the audio editor, When exporting multi-channel audio in Ogg Vorbis format, channels mapping could be wrong
  • Version 13,2,0,0

    - For the DJ Studio, A GPF may occur when the SilenceDetectionOnPlayerLoadAutoSet method is invoked immediately after calling the LoadSound method

    - For the audio editor, When generating a wave (sine, square, etc.) the corresponding waveform may be not displayed correctly.
  • Version 13,2,0,2

    - For the audio editor, The Effects.VolumeAutomationLevelApply method may cause a GPF when the automation is applied to the initial portion only of a very big sound sound file.
  • Version 13,3,0,1

    - The waveform scroller doesn't display the waveform correctly when no sound card is installed inside the system

    - The waveform analyzer doesn't display the waveform correctly due to a regression inside the code
  • Version 13,3,0,2

    - For the DJ Studio, The container application could crash when a WASAPI device is disconnected
  • Version 13,4,0,0

    - For the DJ Studio, When MPX management is enabled through the Effects.MPXEnable method, the sound stream of video clips could be muted or could contain noise only.

    - For the DJ Studio, The StreamVolumeLevelSet method doesn't work with players attached to a WASAPI capture device through the WASAPI.AttachInputDeviceToPlayer method
  • Version 13,5,0,0

    - For the audio editor, When the InsertSilence method is invoked on an empty editor session, further operations like appending a sound file may generate a garbled sound.
  • Version 13,6,0,0

    - For .NET versions of DJ Studio, callback delegates are not invoked for the Downloader.SessionStartToFile and Downloader.SessionStartToMemory methods.

    - For the audio editor and the audio recorder, The WaveformAnalyzer.GetRectangle method doesn't return correct values when invoked for the WAVEANALYZER_RECT_WAVEFORM_LEFT_CH and WAVEANALYZER_RECT_WAVEFORM_RIGHT_CH identifiers.

    - For the audio editor, During playback of the loaded sound file the VUMeterValueChange event is not raised
  • Version 13,6,0,2

    - For the DJ Studio, With certain WMA audio files the ReadSoundInfo method could cause an exception
  • Version 13,6,0,3

    - For the DJ Studio and the audio editor, Reading tags inside a WAV file encoded in MP2 format through the TagsReader.ALL_AnalyzeSoundOnPlayer may cause an exception due to the fact that the nAvgBytesPerSec field of the WAVEFORMATEX dtructure may be set to 0
  • Version 13,6,0,4

    - Playback of audio and video files may miss audio when the output device is a bluetooth headphone
  • Version 13,6,0,5

    - For the DJ Studio, When the VideoPlayer.VideoWindowAdd is not invoked or when it's invoked with the hWndTarget parameter set to 0, the ActiveMovie window is displayed while, in order to be displayed, it would be needed a call to the VideoPlayer.VideoStreamSendToActiveMovieWin method
  • Version 13,6,0,6

    - For the DJ Studio, The SoundDone event may be generated twice

    - For the DJ Studio, When playing a MP3 sound file currently still being recorded by an external application, the SoundDone event may be generated when playback reaches the position corresponding to the duration of the sound file when it was originally loaded
  • Version 13,6,0,7

    - For the audio editor and the audio recorder, When the bVerticalLinesOnTimeRuler field of the WANALYZER_GENERAL_SETTINGS structure is set to "True" the playback line doesn't keep count of this value
  • Version 13,6,0,8

    - For the DJ Studio, The RequestSoundExportToWav method may cause an exception
  • Version 13,6,0,13

    - For the DJ Studio, When the ScaleUnits property is set to SCALE_PERCENTAGE the SoundPositionGet method doesn't return the correct value

    - For the audio DJ Studio, When the ScaleUnits property is set to SCALE_PERCENTAGE the SeekSound method doesn't keep count of an eventual playback rate change through the Effects.PlaybackRateSet or Effects.PlaybackTempoSet methods
  • Version 13,6,0,14

    - For the DJ Studio, A GPF may be raised when the MixAutomationExecute or the AppendAutomationExecute methods are invoked without having added any item to the automation.
  • Version 13,6,0,16

    - For the DJ Studio, The FadeOutCompleted event is sometime not raised when using the Fader object
  • Version 13,6,0,17

    - For the DJ Studio and the audio recorder, The equalizer won't work when the involved player is playing a sound coming from the recorder after a call to the PlaySoundFromRecorder method.
  • Version 13,6,0,18

    - For the audio editor, Invalid sound files added to a conversion automation session through the ConvertAutomationAddFile method will not raise an error and an empty sound file may be generated.
  • Version 13,6,0,19

    - For the DJ Studio and the audio recorder, After changing the CD inside the CD drive, titles of CD tracks obtained from CDDB server are not updated and will still display titles of the previous CD



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