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Messages - cdub


I would love to see a sample project of how to implement this kind of volume curve/envelope functionality in Active Waveform Analyzer that could then be passed along to Active Sound Editor for volume automation processing.

Thanks for your consideration!

Audio editing components / Re: VST questions
August 20, 2022, 05:56:36 PM
Upon further review I believe the issue is that the VST is 64-bit.
Audio editing components / VST questions
August 20, 2022, 05:20:02 PM

I'm trying to use Active Sound Editor to load a VST dll but VstLoad is returning 0, and there's nothing the documentation about this return value.

One thing that crossed my mind is that I believe this is a VST2 dll, is that supported?

Thanks again for your time.
That was incredibly fast, thank you! I don't think I've ever seen a product patched less than 20 minutes after a bug report before. Truly amazing. Have a great day!

Discovered another bug relating to errors.

If you add files for conversion automation and begin the automation, but one of the files throws an error, nFileIndex is not incremented in the subsequent ConvertSoundFileDone event. The file with the error and the next successful file have the same index within the automation.

The reason this is important is that I test if (nFileIndex+1) = .ConvertAutomationGetFilesCount in the ConvertSoundFileDone event to know if convert automation is finished. It also messes up the progress bar estimating the conversion of the whole batch of files.

Thanks for your time.
Thank you! Will give it a try. Cheers.

If I use conversion automation and add files/folders for conversion automation, if any of those files are not valid input formats (for example if I add a jpg image for conversion to .wav), the control should return an error when it raises ConvertSoundFileDone.

Unfortunately the result code raised by ConvertSoundFileDone is 0 in this case, so I can't test for an error. Furthermore, the control creates a very short, silent output file without any indication that the input filetype was invalid.

I can cycle through filenames to check for invalid filetypes before calling ConvertAutomationExecute but if any of the input files have the correct extension but are corrupt there still is no error code returned.

Thanks for your time.

I'm using the Active-X component in another programming language (Xojo) where I'm compiling a 64-bit EXE.

I assumed that Active-X controls were always 32-bit and the language is calling the appropriate 32-bit support libraries. But in the case of the Multimediasoft controls, you ship a 64-bit dll along with the component as well.

I'm curious how this works for distribution. For VB6 I would just ship the 32-bit dll as all my executables were 32-bit. But now that I'm compiling a 64-bit exe, what's the proper way to distribute the active-x and required files?

Using Active DJ Studio, is there a way to retrieve the current video position in frames?

Thank you!
It may just be Gmail being Gmail. As someone who has administered an SMTP relay in the past, Gmail is notoriously picky about accepting emails.

However it may be an issue for some customers as without being able to receive those emails I would have had no way to reach support. The old support email address bounced my message back because it thought it contained spam.

Cheers and thank you!
Thanks for the reply. Is there any estimate as to when the new release will be available? (Obviously I would never hold you to a release date, just curious if the timeframe will overlap with my current project)
This is probably the wrong place to put this message, sorry about that.

Emails from your forum software are not making it to their destination. For example, the password reset email I requested never arrived (I was able to recover my password another way). I checked my spam folder and it's not there either, it's either being blocked at the server level or something is failing in SMTP.

I don't know if the forum requires you to click a link from an email to activate your account but some email users may not be able to receive those mails either.


I'm wondering how to set the output frequency of the split files.

For example my source file is Stereo 44100 Hz but I want to split it into two Mono files of 48000 Hz.

In the ExportToFile method I can set the output frequency as a parameter and the audio is resampled. However there's no parameter in ExportAndSplitStereoChannelsToFile.

Can the stereo source be resampled in memory while loaded by the control?

Thank you!

Are there any examples available on reading/writing General Objects from ID3V2 tags?

Thank you!