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Audio Sound Editor API for .NET

   Patches and Upgrades

Assembly version (AudioSoundEditorApi.dll) ) (March 26, 2015)
Multimedia engine version (AdjMmsEng.dll and AdjMmsEng64.dll) (August 11, 2015)


Full product history available inside the online documentation.

Fixed builds can be downloaded using the same link, username and password received after purchasing the product: if you should have lost them or if they shouldn't work anymore, please, contact our Technical support.

VERY IMPORTANT: Before proceeding with the installation of updated versions, don't forget to close all of the running applications and to UNINSTALL the existing version: missing this step could prevent the new version to run correctly on your development PC.

Fixed Bugs (since version 3.0)

  • When calling the TrimSilence method on the same sound file twice, the resulting sound may appear empty.
  • Loading certain types of sound files in WMA format may cause the application to hang.
  • When the InitDriversType method of Audio DJ Studio or Audio Sound Recorder enables the usage of both DirectSound and ASIO devices, playback may result at double speed.
  • When no output device is installed or all output devices have been disabled, exiting the application may raise an exception.
  • No error code is returned when the ExportToFile, ExportAndSplitStereoChannelsToFile or ExportChannelsToFile methods are invoked on an empty instance of the editor.
  • Sound files generated by the ExportAndSplitStereoChannelsToFile method may contain wrong audio data if the EncodeFormats.FormatToUse property is set to ENCODING_FORMAT_WAV or ENCODING_FORMAT_AIFF or ENCODING_FORMAT_AU or ENCODING_FORMAT_CAF or ENCODING_FORMAT_FLAC or ENCODING_FORMAT_NIST or ENCODING_FORMAT_PAF or ENCODING_FORMAT_PVF or ENCODING_FORMAT_SVX or ENCODING_FORMAT_VOC or ENCODING_FORMAT_W64 and the respective EncodeMode property is set to a value that produces 8 bits per sample audio data (like WAV_ENCODE_PCM_U8, WAV_ENCODE_GSM_610, AIFF_ENCODE_PCM_U8 and so on)










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