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SoundRecognizerDone event

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Occurs when a sound recognition session, started through one of the following methods, is completed:







For further details about synchronization through Events see the How to synchronize the container application through events tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

Public Event SoundRecognizerDone As SoundRecognizerDoneEventHandler



public event SoundRecognizerDoneEventHandler SoundRecognizerDone;



public: __event SoundRecognizerDoneEventHandler* SoundRecognizerDone;



Event Data


The event handler receives an argument of type SoundRecognizerDoneEventArgs having the following parameters:







Number representing the unique identifier of the recognition session


The result of the sound recognition session.





Negative value

An error occurred, check the LastError property value in order to see the error code meaning

enumErrorCodes.ERR_NOERROR (0)

The sound recognition was successful and the nSessionUniqueId parameter can be in order to invoke further methods that will give access to obtained results:


- SoundRecognizer.ResultsCountGet to obtain the total number of music results

- SoundRecognizer.ResultInfoGet to obtain a specific information related to the given music result

- SoundRecognizer.ResultGenresCountGet to obtain the number of genres related to the given music result

- SoundRecognizer.ResultGenreGet to obtain a specific genre related to the given music result

- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistsCountGet to obtain the number of artists related to the given music result

- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistInfoGet to obtain the information about the given artist

- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistRolesCountGet to obtain the number of roles related to the given artist

- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistRoleInfoGet to obtain information about the given role

- SoundRecognizer.ResultsDelete to clear the given recognition session from memory.