The sound recognition was successful and the nSessionUniqueId parameter can be in order to invoke further methods that will give access to obtained results:
- SoundRecognizer.ResultsCountGet to obtain the total number of music results
- SoundRecognizer.ResultInfoGet to obtain a specific information related to the given music result
- SoundRecognizer.ResultGenresCountGet to obtain the number of genres related to the given music result
- SoundRecognizer.ResultGenreGet to obtain a specific genre related to the given music result
- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistsCountGet to obtain the number of artists related to the given music result
- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistInfoGet to obtain the information about the given artist
- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistRolesCountGet to obtain the number of roles related to the given artist
- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistRoleInfoGet to obtain information about the given role
- SoundRecognizer.ResultsDelete to clear the given recognition session from memory.