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SoundRecognizer.StartOnMemory method

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Starts recognition of a sound file stored inside a memory buffer.


For further details about the use of the sound recognizer see the SoundRecognizerMan class.

For details about sound recognition refer to the How to recognize music and obtain related information tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function StartOnMemory (

pBuffer() as Byte,

nBufferLength as Long,

bWaitCompletion as Boolean,

ByRef nUniqueId as Int32

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes StartOnMemory (

byte[] pBuffer,

Int32 nBufferLength,

bool bWaitCompletion,

ref int nUniqueId




public: enumErrorCodes StartOnMemory (

unsigned char __gc[] pBuffer,

Int32 nBufferLength,

bool bWaitCompletion,

int __gc *nUniqueId









Input buffer containing the file to recognize.


Length of the input buffer expressed in bytes.


Boolean value indicating if the recognizer should wait for completion before returning to the caller.

Supported values are the following:




The recognizer will not wait for completion before returning to the caller and results will be available when the SoundRecognizerDone event will be raised


The recognizer will wait for completion before returning to the caller and results will be immediately available


Reference that, on return from the method call, will contain the unique identifier of the recognition session: in case the bWaitCompletion parameter should be set to "true", this unique identifier could be immediately used in order to invoke further methods that will give access to obtained results:


- SoundRecognizer.ResultsCountGet to obtain the total number of music results

- SoundRecognizer.ResultInfoGet to obtain a specific information related to the given music result

- SoundRecognizer.ResultGenresCountGet to obtain the number of genres related to the given music result

- SoundRecognizer.ResultGenreGet to obtain a specific genre related to the given music result

- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistsCountGet to obtain the number of artists related to the given music result

- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistInfoGet to obtain the information about the given artist

- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistRolesCountGet to obtain the number of roles related to the given artist

- SoundRecognizer.ResultArtistRoleInfoGet to obtain information about the given role

- SoundRecognizer.ResultsDelete to clear the given recognition session from memory



Return value






Negative value

An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

enumErrorCodes.NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful.