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PictureTexture property

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[Visual Basic]

Public Overridable Property PictureTexture As String



public virtual string PictureTexture {get; set;}



public: __property virtual String* get_PictureTexture();

public: __property virtual void set_PictureTexture(String*);




Sets the pathname of the picture file containing the texture that will be applied to the button surface.

Supported texture files are BMP, JPG and PNG.

Below you can see a sample of a button with a blue marble texture applied.





This property is an alternative to the use of the Texture.Filepath property.

Setting pictures and animation at design time will not require to redistribute the picture or animation files because their binary will be stored inside the final application code in a compressed format (the redistribution is required only when there is the need of changing and restoring the picture or animation at runtime).

In order to keep the final EXE program size smaller, avoid using bitmaps larger than the dimensions of the button that will receive the texture: if the texture is smaller than the button dimension, it will be tiled in order to cover the whole button surface.

The texture rendering will not consider the current button colors: if you want to mix the texture with another color take a look to the Texture.ColorToMix property.



See also

Texture property.

TextureDesc class.

How to apply a texture to the button surface section.