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Hi Severino,

I use InitSoundSystem method to detect output device in my application.

It so happens that my application is running and i connect external sound source other than built in
speakers then my audio sound output goes. I have to restart the application and get back the sound again.

Sometimes we may have multiple playback devices like Bluetooth speaker, audio interface etc. connected then can we detect automatically which of them is currently active and giving audio output so that my application set the output device to active playback device.

It happens may times in musical programs where Laptop is connected to external Mixer/Amplifier system.
If software is already open and external sound system is connected the audio output stops.
After restarting application it comes back.

Thanks and Regards,



the way to store and load dlls at runtime has not been changed, other dlls have been added to the existing ones and the one that is giving problems on your machine has been updated in order to support new features but this should not impact the general behavior otherwise we would have been overwhelmed of support requests.
Have you verified the reason why the dll's binary is being written into your log file?

Kind regards

Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Hi Severino,

Just downgraded to control / engine
Issue seems to be gone...
Has there been a change in writing the dll's between those versions?

Best regards
Patrick Vossen

engine number 12 is indeed the one reported in your log file so there is the possibility that your logging procedure is currently interfering in some way with the loading of the file: I don't know how this could happen but it seems to be strictly related.

Each engine manages a different audio format and, in order to reduce the main engine loading time, they are not created all at the same time: this specific engine is added and loaded on demand when main audio formats like WAV, MP3, Ogg, WMA, MIDI and FLAC are not enough to allow the loading of a specific file of a different audio format so this could happen at any time.

Hope this help

Kind regards

Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft

Hi Severino,

Today, creating a new build for one of our applications using MMS (AudioDjStudioF4.dll).
Always ran a rather old version (control / engine but updated to latest version (control / engine

But now I get a lot of "*** Internal Error, cannot load engine Number 12 due to error 126" errors.
A lot is, one in 5 application starts.

Also noticed that when I got this error, the content of one of the bass-dll's was written into my application logfile.
See attached image..

Tried writing text data using different way (FilePointer / StreamWriter) but that did not help.
Also checked windows antivirus software, but no mentioning for blocked files...

Do you know at what point the bass dll's are written?
Maybe I can disable all my read/write actions until the dll files are written..

Best regards
Patrick Vossen

With regards to the first issue, you should create a custom stream mixer as described inside the related tutorial
and attach both players to the mixer itself.

With regards to the second issue, K-Lite is needed if you want to play video files because it installs most of the needed DirectShow codecs used to decode the majority of video formats: its not needed for playing audio files only.

Hope this helps

Kind regards

Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft

1. First Issue

I have created sound system with two players.

First Player plays Audio or Video file having its own volume control
Second player is used for microphone input having its own volume control.

Is there any way to combine the volumes of both of these players to form a single stream and control
the combined input by independent volume control (Master Volume). It is just like a analog mixer.

2. Second issue

Is it mandatory to install K-lite codec on system for successful working of AudioDjStudio ?
Will it work without K-lite codec also?

Thanks and Regards,


the multimedia engine AdjMmsEng embeds other dlls that are instanced dynamically, when needed: if one of these dlls is targeted in error by the antivirus, due to a "false positive", it will be immediately deleted and/or blocked so the multimedia engine will fail to load it, resulting in the mentioned error message box being displayed.

Kind Regards

Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft


I got a brand new computer and made sure no other your component is running.
Problems occur if antivirus software (Windows 10 Microsoft Defender) is turned on, but sometimes the error will not appear after executing a few times.

If antivirus is turned off, it executes normally without any errors no matter how many times.

I really don't understand what this has to do with antivirus software.

Kind Regards



the issue should be fixed inside the latest build 14.4 of the multimedia engine; you can get the latest build of the multimedia engine from the link below:
and you can use it to replace existing instances on your PC under the following folders:
* C:\Program Files\MultiMedia Soft\Audio DJ Studio for .NET\Redist
* If your machine has a x86 version of Windows
    - C:\Windows\System32
* If your machine has a x64 version of Windows
    - C:\Windows\SysWOW64

The x64 version is available as well on the link below:
and you can use it to replace existing instances on your PC under the following folders:
* C:\Program Files\MultiMedia Soft\Audio DJ Studio for .NET\Redist
* If your machine has a x64 version of Windows
    - C:\Windows\System32

Kind regards

Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft