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Messages - dario

Hello, I forgot:
the registered control version is 9,1,3,2, 32 bit and the engine version is 12,2,0,7.
Hello, I got back the PC.
If I try to get a screenshot of the Videoplayer simple the picturebox containing the movie is black, while on the computer screen the reproduced image is smaller then the picturebox (half width and half height) and is located at the upper left corner of the picturebox.
Interestingly, I uninstalled the registered software, installed the trial version and ... it works fine. In the trial version the control loaded in the project is "amp3dj64.ocx". So I reinstalled the registered version of the software but I coud not register properly the amp3dj64.ocx.
Any advice?
Many thanks,
Dario Barbieri
Many thanks for your reply.
Right now the PC is on mainteinance due to problems at the disk, but as soon as it will be available (in few days) I'll send you all the requested informations.
some time ago I puchased the Amp3dj ocx, which I use in VB6 programs with great satisfaction.
But now I work under Windows 10 and I have a problem: when launching the Videoplayer simple VB6 sample the video is not displayed correctly in the picturebox, but it is "shifted" to the left and on top. However, when using the Videoplayer advanced sample everything is OK. Do you have any advice to "correct" the abnormal behaviour seen in the "simple" application?
Many thanks in advance.
here's the simple MIDI sample with those tempo changes.
many thanks for your advice.
I added the MIDI-TEMPO event notification.
During playback I get the values of the TEMPO, but I don't understand the values and I how to convert those values to bpm.

Private Sub Amp3dj1_MidiStreamEventNotification(ByVal nPlayer As Integer, ByVal nMidiEvent As AMP3DJLib.enumMidiStreamEvents, ByVal nMidiParam1 As Integer, ByVal nMidiParam2 As Integer, ByVal nMidiChannel As Integer, ByVal fPositionInMs As Double, ByVal fPositionInTicks As Double, ByVal fPositionInPercentage As Double)
dim microsec
If nMidiEvent = MIDI_EVENT_TEMPO Then
microsec = nMidiParam1
Me.Print microsec
End If

For example, in a midi song tempo changes the following way: 120,100,60,40 bpm.
The corresponding values I get from the TEMPO event notification are: -24288, 10176, 16960, -7328.

Where is the mistake?

I am building an application with your ActiveDJstudio activeX. Everything is fine, but I am not able to make the control detect the tempo changes of the MIDI during playbeck. For example, if the song starts with a speed 140 bpm the control loads the correct speed but when the tempo in the MIDI changes to ... 80 bpm (as written in the MIDI tempo track) ... the control goes on reproducing the song at the starting speed. If I use programmatically the setBPM statement, however, the speed changes correctly.
Do you have any advice?
Many thanks,

Dario Barbieri

many thanks for your reply.
Indeed I already use the "frame grab" feature to extract frames from the original video.
My question deals with a different aspect. Let me explain.
I create a video viewer whose frame "window" is different from that of the original frames (smaller or bigger, doesn't matter).
I play the movie and, during playback, I make brightness-contrast-hue ...  adjustements (it works perfectly).
So far, everything is fine.
I pause streaming. At this point I would like to "export" the image I actually see on the screen (and not the corresponding original frame), but I don't know how to do it. The Picturebox containing the video-frame seems to be empty and also a brutal "screen capture" is not able to grab the screen area corresponding to the video-display: it's transparent ... where are the coloured pixels?

Again, many thanks for your advices.


with your Activedj studio activex I am building a very nice video-viewer, taking advantage of its incredible power.
I confess that I am not very skilled in "picture-handling" but I wish you might help me in this topic:
in my program I'd like to "copy" the frame contained in the picturebox used to display the movie (with all its features: size and display adjustments) in another picturebox (or in a file). The simple Picture2.picture = Picture1.picture does not work. Also trying to "capture" the whole screen, in the captured picture the area corresponding to the "video display" appears either black or transparent
As you see my need is not accomplished by the "frame grab" capabilities of the control.
Do you have any advice?
Many thanks in advance.

I can confirm that "the app is correctly sending audio data to the sound card driver but, for some unknown reason, audio data is not sent to the speakers by the sound card itself": the VB6-Vumeter shows peaks, while the speakers-Vumeter does not show any activity.
Similarly, some VB6 codes using the mci sendstring API commands produce the sound, while other codes (with the same statements) don't produce sound.
I'll keep making tials to sole the strange behaviour.
Anyway, many thanks for your attention.
Dario Barbieri
many thanks for your reply.
In attachment you can find the data you asked for. I hope they can help.

Dario Barbieri
Hello, some month ago I bought the license for Active DJ Studio activex. I use it in VB6 programs. The control is simply great and its performances are awesome. However, recently a stange thing happened: when I test a VB6 routine with a multimedia file the Vumeters and all the display features work perfectly, but I hear no sound. When I compile the same routine and launch the corresponding EXE everything works fine and the sound is perfectly reproduced. Do you have any advice? Many thanks in advance.
Dario Barbieri

It works perfectly.
Many thanks and congratulations.


I used this code

Private Sub Amp3dj1_MidiStreamEventNotification(ByVal nPlayer As Integer, ByVal nMidiEvent As AMP3DJLib.enumMidiStreamEvents, ByVal nMidiParam1 As Integer, ByVal nMidiParam2 As Integer, ByVal nMidiChannel As Integer, ByVal fPositionInMs As Double, ByVal fPositionInTicks As Double, ByVal fPositionInPercentage As Double)
Dim w As integer
Dim z As integer
Dim I, J

If nMidiEvent = MIDI_EVENT_NOTE Then
I = nMidiChannel 'volume
w = nMidiParam2 ' channel
z = nMidiParam1 'note number
End If

End Sub

If you try it you'll see than in any MIDI file for each midi event the note, the channel and the volume are correctly recognized. In my appication I pair each channel to a VUmeter which shows the volume and, during song playback, ALL vumeter are active and show the involvement of each individual intrument (and this happens with ALL midi files), i.e. the MIDI event is perfecly decoded. These are matter of fact. If you check MIDIs with any freeware midi editor (Anvil studio, for example) you will find a full confirmation of what I am stating. Moreover, the structure of the midi messages is independent fron the composer or the midi type: noteon, noteoff, channel, patch are main information required.
What apparently you are not prone to accept is that the control works perfectly with midi files and perfectly recognises midi events, no one may deny such a thing, BUT, very simply, SOMETHING WRONG happens when you try to interact with the event itself, at least as far as volume handling is concerned.
I don't know why, but it's a pity.

Best regards

sorry, but your reply does not help, since the matter is absolutely not so easy.
As a matter of fact, both songs have more than one channel (or track) and the control recognises it.
Particularly, for the song Camminando the traks are 8, and the control sees them all.
Using the MidiStreamEventNotification procedure I liste the first 100 notes detected by the control in each song (see attachment): it is clear that in both cases the right note is coupled to the corresponding track (instrument). It is not true that in one song all notes are directed to channel 0. Moreover, listening to the output, one clearly recognizes that more than one instrument is involded,  and no MIDI composer  would address each note to the same channel, changing for every note the instrument patch.
Thus, my question is absolutely unsolved: I must understadn why, (playing Camminando) setting to 0 the volume of channels 2-8, I hear nothing from channel 1 (which has notes) ; then I must understand why (playing Bada bambina) the changes in output volume of channel 0 can be ontained addressing the proper instruction to channel 2 (so 1 to 3, 2 t o 4, and so on).
As far as I can understand from these 2 examples, I must express my wonder and doubt that the SetTrackVolume commands are not working properly.
In conclusion: the control perfectly recognizes the MIDI structure and events, but I am afraid to say that it is not possible to control MIDI output or, at least, the volume control is not trustworthy.

Best wishes

Dario Barbieri