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Messages - Ravindra

Hello Severino,

Thanks for Solution. I have some questions.

1. If I do not load video window it works, and play only Audio. Does that eliminates the need of K-lite codec
   pack ?

2. I tried with VideoPlayer.AudioTrackExtract method but not able to use it. I need the snippet of code how to extract please. Let me know can I get a wave file (.wav..) after extracting the audio and can I change pitch and tempo of this file ?
Does Extract method takes longer time ?

Thanks and Regards



Is it possible to play only Audio (mp3, wav) from a video file without displaying video on screen?

In short can I extract only Audio from Video file ? And later should be able to change pitch and tempo.

I know its weird question but have such requirement.

Thanks and Regards,


I am facing an issue on laptop,

1. CPU - i5
2. Ram - 8 GB
3. Windows 11 OS
4. Nvidia Graphics Driver

when I start a video in my application the screen flickers and display goes off.
Already Installed K-lite codec.

1. I kept K-lite Hardware acceleration at None because keeping any other accelerator problem still persists.


The problem does not exists on similar laptop configuration without Nvidia Graphics drivers.

Can you suggest any solution to resolve the issue.



I have put the Video window (Label) in one of the panel of Splitter Container. The label is Dock to Fill the entire area of the panel. When I start video it looks perfectly alright.
When I collapse all other panel except a video window panel to view a video in big size, i see that my label for
Video window is grown but the video size remain the same. It does not stretch itself to fit the label video window.
Can you suggest any solution so that Video will also become big and occupy full space?

I am attaching the images.
Not a valid attachment ID.Not a valid attachment ID. 
Thanks and Regards,


I am currently switched to following platform,

OS:  Windows 10 Pro
Language:  Visual Basic
           Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition
AudioDJStudio version :
AdjMmsEng.dll  version :
AdjMmsEng64.dll  version :

It works fine as of now.
Now the requirement is to install the application on Windows 11.
Let me know if the above AudioDJ components are compatible for Windows 11 installation.

If i am left over with the updated latest versions of AdjMmsEng.dll and AdjMmsEng64.dll which might have been released after the existing versions which i am using.
Can you provide me those latest updated versions if i am eligible to get ?

Thanks and Regards,



Just now I tried with K-Lite Tweak Tool and changed the Hardware Decoder to D3D11
and that solved the issue!!!!!

Thanks and Regards,

Hello Severino,

That's Great it is working.
The details of my components

AudioDJStudio :  AudioDJStudio for .NET v2
                 Version :

AdjMmsEng     :

K-Lite        :  K-Lite Codec Pack 17.6.0 Mega

Let me know what I should do ?

Thanks and Regards,


Unfortunately not able to open the site. Getting error message

Your connection is not private

Did everything to resolve but no success.

Why don't you add a format .mp4 in your attachment which is most common today.

What to do?

Thanks and Regards,


I am playing a video file with the method,
nResult = AudioDjStudio1.DisplayVideoPlayer.LoadForTempoChange(Player_A, lSongFileFullName)

I found a very strange behaviour that when i try to play a particular video file then
it fails to load and my application just closes without returning any nResult.
(Of course My other videos files playing without any problem)
It also failed when i tried in the sample project VideoPlayerAdvanced.
This particular video file played successfully in Windows Media player, VLC, MPC.

What could be the problem ?

I am struggling to attach this video file (.mp4, 10.5 MB) in .zip format but giving Upload Directory Full error. Please advise me what is to be done?

Thanks And Regards,

Hi Severino,

I use InitSoundSystem method to detect output device in my application.

It so happens that my application is running and i connect external sound source other than built in
speakers then my audio sound output goes. I have to restart the application and get back the sound again.

Sometimes we may have multiple playback devices like Bluetooth speaker, audio interface etc. connected then can we detect automatically which of them is currently active and giving audio output so that my application set the output device to active playback device.

It happens may times in musical programs where Laptop is connected to external Mixer/Amplifier system.
If software is already open and external sound system is connected the audio output stops.
After restarting application it comes back.

Thanks and Regards,



1. First Issue

I have created sound system with two players.

First Player plays Audio or Video file having its own volume control
Second player is used for microphone input having its own volume control.

Is there any way to combine the volumes of both of these players to form a single stream and control
the combined input by independent volume control (Master Volume). It is just like a analog mixer.

2. Second issue

Is it mandatory to install K-lite codec on system for successful working of AudioDjStudio ?
Will it work without K-lite codec also?

Thanks and Regards,

Hello Severino,

I am attaching the Project for your reference.

Thanks And Regards,
Not a valid attachment ID.
Hello Severino,

Thanks a lot for your guidance so far......

As per your suggestion i checked your doubt, but i have applied the equalizer to my second player correctly.

Actually i have given microphone input this channel. I am getting good sound and rest of the things like volume / Reverb are working fine.

In fact i modified the sample project AsioSpeakersManager in your VB.NET directory and applied the equalizer but no success.

Can you further investigate and suggest the right code to be written.

Thanks and Regards,


Hello Severino,

With lot of workaround and referring to your sample projects i shifted to ASIO Driver.

Now i got rid of Latency and all other issues.

My current issues are,

1. I am not able to apply equalizer on ASIO Input (Microphone Input). It doesn't work.
   If i apply it to regular running sound mp3/mp4 it works.

2. I can not save ASIO Input / Output settings. DO you have any functions to retrieve last setting
   directly from ASIO Control Panel especially Input / output settings.  Because control panel keeps the
   last settings.

Thanks and Regards,
