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Messages - mjividen

Thanks for the answer.  My problem is not APPEND but is displaying the total recording length in INSERT and OVERWRITE modes.  (I'm writing code in VB on Visual Studio).
Hello, Severino,

I've written an audio recording application for recording magazines and books that would later be listened to by persons who are blind.  The recordings are typically a half-hour to an hour long.  I've included a total time display but I haven't successfully made it work.  I've attempted to use the record position and record duration numbers but I when the I pause or stop and restart the recording, I'm not coming up with the total length of the recording in minutes and seconds.  Can you suggest a way to do this.  I'm most comfortable in visual basic. 

Audio recording components / I need your help
April 05, 2022, 01:36:57 PM
I've written an application using the audio recording library as well as a great deal of visual studio examples sent with the software package.  The application works pretty well except it's sometimes unstable.  For example, after a rewind event and stop, the position display will jump to zero (00:00:00) rather than the position where the rewind was stopped.  I would very much like to have someone else look at this and other similar problems.  I need this application working properly and I need it soon.  If anybody on the forum believes they are qualified and would like the challenge, please reply and we can discuss the issues and payment privately.
As mentioned elsewhere on the forum, I'm revising an application to record hour-long radio shows.  What I need is an easier way to display the length of the recording as it's being made.  Currently, I do some saving and adding the available variables but this often gives inaccurate  values for some reason.  Do you have a sample routine to display the length of the full recording that takes into account INSERT, OVERWRITE?
Audio recording components / Re: File Size
July 08, 2021, 02:04:09 PM
You mention the rewritten application which should considerably speed up loading and saving files.  Has this been completed?
Although I continue to scratch my head trying to display a continuous recording length, the instability I reported was apparently a corrupted DLL.  After removing then re-installing the Audio Recorder package, the issue went away.
Either I am confused about results from a call to RecordedSound.GetDuration64() or it's not working properly for me.  It seems the duration reported is only correct the first time called.  Subsequent requests during Append not only add the length of the previous session but also what seem to be random numbers.  Sometimes it's double the length of the previous session.  Sometimes something else.  The "Dictation" demo included with the software package doesn't do this but I simply can't figure out why my program... based in large part on Dictation... does this.  I have compared my code to the Dictation sample which is identical to the sample on every line having effect on duration and position.  Any thoughts?
Audio recording components / Re: File Size
January 05, 2021, 08:38:23 PM
Although I need to save in MP3, I have experimented with recording in WAV and then exporting to MP3.  I see little difference in the delay from Stop to Record and back whether my app records in WAV, MP3 or a couple of other formats I've tried.  Next thought?
Audio recording components / File Size
January 04, 2021, 08:40:30 PM
My application is recording hour-long book readings.  At this point, it does not include the ability to edit except to set the recording mode to Append, Insert, etc. I am very frustrated that, as the file becomes longer, the time it takes to be ready to record after a "Stop" is more than a minute duration.  This application is replacing a VB6 program which employs the Windows multi-media interface and goes from record to play and back instantaneously.  However, it only saves in .WAV and we need to export in MP3.  I've spent a great deal of time on the new version built around MMSOFT Audio Recorder.  I have eliminated all wave analysis and display, recorded to memory and to hard drive as well as experimented with other ways to speed this up but have failed.  I think I've tried everything in the Audio Recorder documentation but the application remains unsatisfactory.  I hope there is a solution I've not yet stumbled upon.  Can someone please give me the answer?
Audio recording components / append directly to hard disk
December 11, 2019, 02:24:40 PM
My application will be used to record half-hour and hour-long audio programs for radio broadcast.  There would be no copy and paste editing available.  As the audio sound recorder library seems to work, should the user stop the recorder after a few minutes then begin recording again, the second session goes to memory, the wave analyzer is cleared and the duration callback starts at zero.  The user now has no indication of the total length of the recording but only sees the duration of the current session. I can't rely on the user simply clicking PAUSE to avoid using the STOP function.  And, not using STOP creates issues if the user wishes to rewind and then overwrite some of their recording.

My questions are these:

1) since the final audio programs would regularly be 60 minutes, I'd rather not be recording directly to memory.  Can I restart the current session and append directly to the original data on the hard drive?

2) can I prevent the recording duration from starting at zero each time the user stops the recording but to accumulate to the total length of the recorded program?

- Mark
Is there a method to invoke a STOP command and remain at the current position rather than returning to the beginning of the file?
Is there a way to view and update a waveform display during recording?  Goldwave, Audacity and others have this feature.
How can I display the input level during record?  Surely there must be a method to do this without simultaneously recording and then playing a session.