Are there any functions which can adjust Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Gamma parameters on my video ?
yes, the VideoPlayer.ImageAdjustEnable method allows enabling image adjustments for video formats that support the YUY2 color space as seen inside the documentation of the same method.
The VideoPlayerAdvanced sample of the DJ Studio component demonstrates how to use it.
Kind Regards
Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Great news for me !!!!!
I checked the example. But the adjustments are not working.
I enabled image adjustment.
I get a message on task bar as Video Transform Filter not available.
This is my development machine only.
Please guide me what i am supposed to do ?
it's likely that the video format in use, or the codec used to manage the same, doesn't support the YUY2 color space.
Do you have a sample of video file, not working on your PC, we could download for testing?
Kind Regards
Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Hello Severino,
Thanks a lot for your perfect guidance.
I installed K-lite codec pack on my development machine.
Everything was working irrespective of this codec initially except for image adjustment.
Now i can adjust image.
Hello Severino,
I added brightness, contrast control in my program.
These functions work on development machine.
(Windows 7-64 bit, i3 processor, 8 GB ram and Intel(R) Graphics)
I am trying to deploy it on laptop with following configuration,
OS: Windows 10 - 64 bit.
CPU: i7-5500
Graphics: Intel HD 5500
Nvidia GEForce 940M (3D)
Ram: 8 GB
I installed K-lite codec pack with default settings.
I am facing a problem that my video becomes small in size (occupies only 3/4 of lablevideoposition)
But my brightness contrast functions work.
On the other hand if i change codec settings and change H.264 setting to Microsoft from LAV.
my video occupies full window but brightness and contrast functions doesn't work.
My video is made with H.264 video codec. I also tried with MPEG4 but it doesn't solve the the problem.
The brightness and contrast functions supported only by H.264 with LAV ?
This problem persists only with this laptop.
Elsewhere everything works fine but PC's / Laptops are with i3 processors and Intel Graphics without nvidia.
Any suggestions ?
Hello Ravindra,
Microsoft's codecs are not the best choice because they are specifically designed for DVD playback and come with a lot of limitations: as far as I can remember they don't come with support for the YUY2 color space.
Usually LAV codecs are quite good, stable and well maintained by their developers but it must be kept in mind the fact that DirectShow must deal with video drivers also which, especially on laptops, may not have the best quality ever. You may check with your laptop's manufacturer the availability of an updated driver.
As an alternative to LAV codecs, you may try with the ffdshow set of decoders which are installed by K-Lite as well and which come with support for the H264 format: this set is usually disabled by default and require to be enabled manually through the "Codec Tweak Tool" item accessible through the K-Lite's Windows menu.
Hope this helps
Kind Regards
Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Hello Severino,
I agree with your explanation.
But the fact is This Laptop only support Microsoft decoder only. It gives proper video scaling with this decoder.
With other decoders video is not played. It is not even displayed or do not move. (Remains standstill)
Obviously i am facing problem with Brightness and contrast functions which do not work with Microsoft decoder.
I updated drivers (Intel Graphics HD 5500) and it shows they are up to date.
Is that means K-lite decoders like LAV, ffdshow are incompatible with Intel Graphics HD 5500?
Should i address this issue to K-lite codec ?
Please advise me.
in this case it could be more likely that the driver of the video card is not compatible with a specific DirectShow filter named InfinitePinTee (from Microsoft) that we use to allow rendering the video clip on multiple windows at the same time. This filter is inserted between the LAV codec and the video renderer but, unfortunately, many times the output format of this filter is not managed correctly by the video driver. The strange thing is that we have a Windows 10 laptop with same driver and it works just fine.
Could you be so kind to send us a log generated through the DxDiag.exe utility on the troublesome machine? This utility is usually installed inside the \Windows\System32 folder.
Kind Regards
Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Hello Severino,
I am sending you all information generated by DxDiag.
As you say it works fine with another laptop with same configuration.
What do you suggest what i am supposed to do.
looking into the log it seems that your video card driver is the same respect to the one we tested with but the build is an older one, indeed on your PC the current build is 20.19.0015.4444 (April 22 2016) while in our case is 20.19.0015.4549 (November 10 2016). May be that IBM didn't mind to update to the latest build of the driver from Intel.
We would also suggest testing the latest build of our multimedia engine: you can get the latest build of the multimedia engine from the link below:
and you can use it to replace existing instances on your PC under the following folders:
* C:\Program Files\Audio DJ Studio for .NET\Redist
* C:\Windows\SysWOW64
The x64 version is available as well on the link below:
and you can use it to replace existing instances on your PC under the following folders:
* C:\Program Files\Audio DJ Studio for .NET\Redist
* C:\Windows\System32
Hope this helps.
Kind Regards
Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Hello Severino,
I updated Intel Drivers to latest. (4624)
I also replaced our Engine with latest.
Still problem persists. I have to stick to Microsoft Decoder and disable format H.264 from LAV. Then only it works without color adjustment.
When i enable H.264 from LAV video is not displayed giving blank screen.
I am not sure what is happening ?
Please guide.
in order to investigate the issue further, please, try to render one of the H264 files using the GraphStudioNext utility installed by K-Lite then take a screenshot of the generated filters graph and send it to us.
As a further test, try to see if the video is rendered correctly by GraphStudioNext. if it should and the codec in use should be "LAV Video decoder", please, right click its box and select "Properties" from the context menu then take a screenshot of the settings in use and send it to us.
Kind Regards
Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Hello Severino,
Pl. find screenshots as suggested.
please, try to disable the NV12 output format and see if the blank screen problem persists after loading again the video clip.
If it should persist, please, upload one of the video files you are testing with inside our FTP site so I could check if I can replicate the issue here:
ftp://ftp.multimediasoft.com (ftp://ftp.multimediasoft.com)
username: myguest
password: mmsoft
Once upload is completed, please, send me a note.
Kind Regards
Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Hello Severino,
Unfortunately problem still exists.
I am trying to go to your ftp site. But getting strange display.
Can not upload. See screen shot.
Hello Severino,
I am not able to upload to your ftp.
It shows me following display.
Let me know how to upload.
in order to access a FTP site you have 2 ways:
- entering the FTP address in Windows Explorer (not a browser)
- using a FTP application
As an alternative, you could upload the file into a free upload service or, if you should have the possibility to put it inside a web site, you could provide me the related URL.
Kind Regards
Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Hello Severino,
I have uploaded a video file on your ftp site.
I have just tested the file on my laptop having the same driver and here it seems to render without issues of sort.
As I mentioned, our component makes use of the Microsoft's InfinitePinTee filter for allowing multi-output windows so it's likely that something weird happens on your laptop between this filter and the video renderer.
Would be eventually possible for me to connect remotely to your laptop using TeamViewer so I could make some direct test on that machine? Starting from Monday we could eventually try a remote connection.
Kind regards
Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Hello Severino,
Sure i can share my laptop with Team Viewer.
Let me know at what time should i keep it ready.
Where do i communicate ID and password. Can we use WhatsApp if possible.
My telephone no. 919822332869.
You can send me a message when you want to take access.
please, send me access credentials through a private message: forum.admin@multimediasoft.com
Kind regards
Severino Delaurenti
MultiMedia Soft
Hello Severino,
I will be out of station for couple of days.
Once i come back will send you credentials.