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WaveAnalyzerLineMoving event

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Occurs when a graphic item of type "vertical line" inside the waveform analyzer is being moved through the mouse or through the WaveformAnalyzer.GraphicItemHorzPositionSet method.


For details about graphic items management on the waveform analyzer refer to the How to add graphic items to the Waveform analyzer section.

For details about the use of the Waveform Analyzer refer to the How to use the Waveform Analyzer section.

For further details about methods of the Waveform Analyzer refer to the WaveformAnalyzer class section.

For further details about synchronization through Events see the How to synchronize the container application through events tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

Public Event WaveAnalyzerLineMoving As WaveAnalyzerLineMovingEventHandler



public event WaveAnalyzerLineMovingEventHandler WaveAnalyzerLineMoving;



public: __event WaveAnalyzerLineMovingEventHandler WaveAnalyzerLineMoving;



Event Data


The event handler receives an argument of type WaveAnalyzerLineMovingEventArgs having the following parameters:







Unique identifier of the vertical line; this unique identifier matches the unique identifier used when the custom line was created through the WaveformAnalyzer.GraphicItemVerticalLineAdd method.


New position of the vertical line expressed in milliseconds


Boolean value that specifies if the custom vertical line was moved through the WaveformAnalyzer.GraphicItemHorzPositionSet method or through the mouse.

Supported values are the following:




The line was moved through the mouse


The line was moved through the WaveformAnalyzer.GraphicItemHorzPositionSet method