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CdRippingAutomationExec method

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Starts the CD ripping automation session.

The ripping automation must have been previously initialized through the CdRippingAutomationInit method and one or more tracks should have been added through the CdRippingAutomationTrackAdd method.


If tracks normalization should be disabled, the call to this method would generate the following sequence of events:


the CdRippingAutomationStarted event
for each track a number of CdRippingPercentage events
a number of CdRippingAutomationTotalPerc events
the CdRippingAutomationStopped event.



If tracks normalization should be enabled through a previous call to the CdRippingNormalizationEnable method, the call to this method would generate the following sequence of events:


the CdRippingAutomationStarted event
for each track a number of CdRippingTrackExtractPercentage , CdRippingNormalizePercentage and CdRippingEncodePercentage events
a number of CdRippingAutomationTotalPerc events
the CdRippingAutomationStopped event



For details about the encoding format and parameters see the How to perform a CD ripping session section.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function CdRippingAutomationExec (

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes CdRippingAutomationExec (




public: enumErrorCodes CdRippingAutomationExec (




Return value






Negative value

An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

enumErrorCodes.ERR_NOERROR (0)

The call was successful.