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TracksBoard.Load method

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Loads a session, saved at an earlier time through the TracksBoard.Save method, from the given input file.


A successful call to this method will fire the SoundLoadingStarted event followed by a number of SoundLoadingPerc events and finally by the SoundLoadingDone event.


The format of the saved file is in plain XML format: in case you should need to create this file manually, the format of the file is similar to the one shown below:




<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<TracksBoardSession Tracks="4" InitialDurationMs="30000" Speakers="6">


       <Item Type="0" Track="1" OffsetMs="0" Speaker="0" VolumeAmplitude="1.000000" StartPositionMs="0" EndPositionMs="120961">



           <VolumePointFirst Amplitude="1.000000" />

           <VolumePointLast Amplitude="1.000000" />


       <Item Type="0" Track="2" OffsetMs="2032" Speaker="0" VolumeAmplitude="1.000000" StartPositionMs="0" EndPositionMs="114272">



           <VolumePointFirst Amplitude="0.000000" />

           <VolumePointLast Amplitude="0.000000" />


               <VolumePoint PositionMs="4589" Amplitude="1.000000" />

               <VolumePoint PositionMs="21945" Amplitude="1.000000" />

               <VolumePoint PositionMs="24109" Amplitude="0.860000" />

               <VolumePoint PositionMs="34848" Amplitude="0.860000" />

               <VolumePoint PositionMs="36167" Amplitude="1.000000" />

               <VolumePoint PositionMs="50481" Amplitude="1.000000" />

               <VolumePoint PositionMs="52318" Amplitude="0.770000" />

               <VolumePoint PositionMs="69392" Amplitude="0.770000" />

               <VolumePoint PositionMs="71735" Amplitude="1.000000" />

               <VolumePoint PositionMs="114679" Amplitude="1.000000" />



       <Item Type="0" Track="0" OffsetMs="2131" Speaker="0" VolumeAmplitude="1.000000" StartPositionMs="0" EndPositionMs="21440">


           <FriendlyName>Voice 1</FriendlyName>

           <VolumePointFirst Amplitude="1.000000" />

           <VolumePointLast Amplitude="1.000000" />


       <Item Type="2" Track="4" OffsetMs="20468" VolumeAmplitude="1.000000" StartPositionMs="0" EndPositionMs="18727" Voice="2" RemoveFinalSilence="1">


           <FriendlyName>Spoke voice</FriendlyName>



       .... other items







For each item added to the file, the presence of the following set of attributes is mandatory


 * Type

 * Track

 * OffsetMs

 * StartPositionMs

 * EndPositionMs

 * Pathname (audio files only)

 * one between SpeechPathname and SpeechString for "Text To Speech" elements


For details about the use of the TracksBoard refer to the How to use the TracksBoard to visually compose songs tutorial.

For further details about methods of the TracksBoard refer to the TracksBoard class section.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function Load (

strPathname as String

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes Load (

string strPathname




public: enumErrorCodes Load (

string strPathname








Absolute pathname of the file containing the session to load



Return value






Negative value

An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

enumErrorCodes.NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful.


Warning about the fact that, although the loading session was completed, one or more items available inside the session file could not be loaded and were discarded; this could happen when a pathname is wrong or when one of the mandatory attributes is missing