VolumeCurveDesignerChanged event |
Occurs when the curve inside a curve designer control is modified by dragging one of the control points through the mouse interaction.
For details about using the Curve Designer refer to the How to create custom volume curves tutorial.
For details about using Volume Automation refer to the How to manage Volume Automation tutorial.
[Visual Basic] VolumeCurveDesignerChanged ( ByVal nDesignerUniqueId as Long, ByVal nLeftX as Integer, ByVal nLeftY as Integer, ByVal nRightX as Integer, ByVal nRightY as Integer ) |
[C++] void VolumeCurveDesignerChanged ( long nDesignerUniqueId, short nLeftX, short nLeftY, short nRightX, short nRightY ); |
Parameter |
Description |
nDesignerUniqueId |
Number representing the unique identifier of the curve designer as created by the VolumeAutomation.CurveDesigner.Create method |
nLeftX |
Horizontal position, expressed in percentage, of the left side control point of the Bézier curve |
nLeftY |
Vertical position, expressed in percentage, of the left side control point of the Bézier curve |
nRightX |
Horizontal position, expressed in percentage, of the right side control point of the Bézier curve |
nRightY |
Vertical position, expressed in percentage, of the right side control point of the Bézier curve |