Re-initialises the control after a reset of the multimedia engine: the call to this method is mandatory after a call to the ResetEngine method. The purpose of this method is mostly identical to the InitDJSystem method and shares the same parameters.
[Visual Basic]
control.ResetControl (
nTotalPlayers as short,
hWndParent as OLE_HANDLE,
nOutput0 as Integer,
nOutput1 as Integer,
nOutput2 as Integer,
nOutput3 as Integer
void control.ResetControl (
short nTotalPlayers,
OLE_HANDLE hWndParent,
short nOutput0,
short nOutput1,
short nOutput2,
short nOutput3
Number of players that must be allocated by the control: if the requested number exceed the maximum allowed by the control you purchased (*) then the number will be cut to the number of available players
Handle of the container (parent) window: for Visual Basic is represented by the hWnd property of the container form, while for Visual C++ is represented by the call to the container dialog box GetSafeHwnd member function: the return value of this call represents a HWND so it must be cast to OLE_HANDLE to avoid compiler errors
Number representing the zero-based index of the output device (sound card) that will be used for playback by player 0 (pass 0 for using the system default output device). If the parameter is set to -1, the specific player can be used also in absence of a sound card, for example for performing a waveform analysis.
Check the How to use the control in your projects section for details about obtaining output devices.
If the multimedia engine shouldn't find any enabled or valid output device, the container application would be notified through the WarnNoOutputDevice event.
Number representing the zero-based index of the output device (sound card) that will be used for playback by player 1 (use 0 for system default output device). If the parameter is set to -1, the specific player can be used also in absence of a sound card, for example for performing a waveform analysis.
Number representing the zero-based index of the output device (sound card) that will be used for playback by player 2 (use 0 for system default output device). If the parameter is set to -1, the specific player can be used also in absence of a sound card, for example for performing a waveform analysis.
Number representing the zero-based index of the output device (sound card) that will be used for playback by player 3 (use 0 for system default output device). If the parameter is set to -1, the specific player can be used also in absence of a sound card, for example for performing a waveform analysis.
Return value