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LoadTrackFromCd method

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Loads the given CD track into the given player.


CD tracks can be loaded with the LoadSound method also.


The total number of available CD drives can be obtained using the GetCdDrivesCount method.


The total number of available audio tracks on the given CD can be obtained using the GetCdNumTracks method.


Due to the nature of CD drives, the loading session of a full CD track can be a lengthy operation so, in order to avoid blocking the user interface, the CD track loading session is performed inside a dedicated thread: the container application can be informed about the advancement of the CD track loading session through the following events: CdReadTrackStart, CdReadTrackPercentage and CdReadTrackStop.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function LoadTrackFromCd (

nPlayerIndex as Int16,

nDriveIndex as Int16,

nTrackIndex as Int16

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes LoadTrackFromCd (

Int16 nPlayerIndex,

Int16 nDriveIndex,

Int16 nTrackIndex




public: enumErrorCodes LoadTrackFromCd (

Int16 nPlayerIndex,

Int16 nDriveIndex,

Int16 nTrackIndex









Number representing the zero-based index of the involved player


Number representing the zero-based index of the involved CD drive


Number representing the one-based index of the CD audio track


Return value






Negative value

An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

enumErrorCodes.NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful.