SetPictureFromHandle method |
Remarks Changes at runtime one of the pictures associated to the button.
[Visual Basic] Public Function SetPictureFromHandle(nPicture as Ctl3d.Pictures, hBitmap as Integer) as Bool
[C#] public bool SetPictureFromHandle(Ctl3d.Pictures nPicture, long hBitmap);
[C++] public: bool SetPictureFromHandle(Ctl3d.Pictures nPicture, long hBitmap);
Visual C# example
System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = (System.Drawing.Bitmap) pictureBox1.Image; ctl3dPushButton1.SetPictureFromHandle (Pictures.Normal, (int) bmp.GetHbitmap ().ToInt32 ()); With this code the Picture property of control ctl3dPushButton1 will be changed using a bitmap obtained from the image contained inside a picture box control.
Return value